Hello everyone that enters here! I hope that you enjoy reading about my time in Switzerland and all the fun things that I am up to! :) Feel free to leave a message or comments. Thanks again for reading and I hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Fever

As of today, I am enjoying the wonderful weather that Geneva has to offer. With so much nice weather one starts to understand why people get spring fever! Being locked away all winter indoors does do crazy things to some people and that is true for me. I am just so glad that it is starting to get warmer and warmer every month. It is quite funny because when I started working for Corinne and Chris, I distinctly remember telling them how excited I was to have the snow coming and to start skiing. Now that is what I said maybe at the beginning of October........4 months later this is not the case....hehehe

Lets explain why.....
1) End of ski season for Christina
Well I screwed up my knee by thinking that I could ski like most of those other kids out there. But there is one problem. I am afraid of going way to fast and kids, well let's just say that when you are young you aren't too afraid of a little speed, in fact, you adore going fast that is what being a kid is about. So any how I decided to start down the hill snow plowing and then turn as I felt I could. Well half way through my turn I noticed that I was going way too fast for me to correct myself. I ended up heading up the hill. Seeing that, I tried to adjust myself. This was a mistake not because of my speed but also because the hill was very icy! My legs went in two different directions and I began to lose my balance. So here I was twisting my leg and my skiis were still in motion. To make a long story short I ended up pulling a muscle and ending my season of skiing very short!

2) I am just tired of snow
I figured that I really took for granted my 4 years of living in California for granted. I miss the sun, and I love wearing shorts way too much! My feet ache from wearing shoes all the time and many many layers of clothing! Bring on the beaches, sand castles, sunburns and swim suits.....I will take that over freezing to death, plumping up from less exercise any day!

3) I love being outside
Running, biking, walking, swimming, hiking....I have discovered that I love to do all of these things and I hate being cooped inside. My body thanks me as well if I am active all day. This may be a problem once I get a real job because I probably will have to be inside alot more but for now since I don't I want to enjoy it as much as I can.

So as you can see I am ready for summer.....not to mention that I can't wait till I get to go to Croatia with the family but other then that I look forward to nice weather and many other things to come. I have more things to write about but I am running short on time! Well till next time everyone!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Attention Attention Read All About It!

So I want to apologize for not writing for quite some time. I have some excellent news to tell you all!!!


Sergiu and I had been visiting my cousins in Sweden for a week. So after our wonderful time, we had to catch a bus quite early in the morning. Which we were kind of sad of because it was also our 2 year anniversary and we didn't really have any big plans to celebrate. So we decided to have breakfast with some tea at a cafe in the train station. As we were sitting down to eat, Sergiu stated that he had a surprise present for our anniversary. I replied with "oh ya??" so as he was replying we usually have a joke where he asks me to marry him and I say "Where's the ring" but instead of laughing it off he held out his hand and inside the palm of his hand was the ring," will this do????"

I started crying (basically bawling my eyes out) and said "Are you for real?" I just couldn't believe it. I was so shocked and before I could answer he said "Does this mean you are saying yes?" I just started laughing and said "of course I want to marry you"

"Really, so then are those tears of happiness or tears of regret?" and I replied "Tears of happiness!"

I didn't take any pictures of the place where we were. But that was kind of the last thing on my mind. But here is a picture of the ring!

We haven't named the date yet or where but I wanted to let you all know the exciting news!

Not only did I get engaged but I had a fantastic time in Sweden visiting family! We also got to see the copper mines in Falun, which was very cool to see! We got to wear orange hats and capes because it was very dirty down in the mine. Here is Anna, Bernt and Sergiu before we went down in the mine. We had plenty feka's (coffee times/snacks), snow and we were able to go and see the Nusnas and visit the good old Dalarna Horse store. It was a great time! But now it is back to work! :) I hope all is well with everyone! Till next post!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Sergiu and I at the France vs. Romania game

My friends and I having fun for my birthday

I do tons of hike with the family and many of the times....this what the trail guide lines look like

The boys that I take care of...Louis 2 and Alex 5

Here are some pictures from the past few months. Hope you like them!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Long time no write!

So I sincerely apologize for not writing for almost two months now! I have been super busy and I have wanted to put up pictures but I haven't been able to have time to put them up! Tonight though I believe I will.

Well lets see what new things I have been up to. They are all so interesting that I think that I will bullet point all of the fun activities!

  • Just recently I went to Annecy with 3 wonderful girls that I met at church. They were visiting for two weeks so they invited me along on a trip into France in which I accepted! Tons of fun and I definitely want to go back there
  • I have seen Sergiu almost every two weeks. Last weekend he came to visit while Chris and Corinne were away for the weekend. My trip to Paris almost 4 weeks ago was great also!! Will talk about that in next bullet point
  • Went to the game France vs Romania......they tied 1-1----only problem is that France scored both goals. It was the most amazing thing I have ever been to!
  • Have gone on tons of hikes and can not wait till it starts to snow so that I can enjoy snow shoeing, skiing, snowboarding and all the fun that comes with snow!
  • Just started up my new french classes...we will see if it helps my french
  • Gave up eating Mcdonalds for a month.....faltered last Thursday
  • Have made alot more new friends and have had dinner with them, drinks, watched a movie and even cut their hair.
  • Peter A. came and visited me this weekend and we ran underneath the jet d'eau....SO much FUN! He definitely got a taste of Europe!
That is about it that I can think of for right now. This coming weekend I really don't have a lot of plans but I am looking forward to having a long weekend off in two weeks...it will be very nice! I am enjoying my bible study and my new friends and I can not wait till winter. I think it is kind of weird that I am looking forward to it....but oh well hopefully I won't be disappointed! Till next time! love you all!

Monday, August 31, 2009

August days!

My apologies to everyone for writing sooner. I have been so busy with everything I haven't had time to write. Well since the last time I wrote I had just got back from Corsica. A lot has happened since then. I have now found a new church that I attend on Sundays. It is called EBCG (Evangelical Baptist Church of Geneva). When I first attended the church, I got lost trying to find the location of the church when all of a sudden I saw a young girl ( my age) walking across the street. I decided to ask her for directions and it turned out that not only did she know where the church was but that she also was heading to the same church at that paticular moment. It is amazing how God works. The service was amazing and the message really hit home so I was very happy when at the end of the service the girl (Hannah) that I had met on the street helped me to meet others that were going out to lunch. I met tons of people in which I exchanged numbers. It was a wonderful day that ended with one of my new friends and I going to the cinema and watching Harry Potter. Since that day I have made tons of friends. I attend the young adults group at 8pm every tuesday and I have joined a bible study that is on thursday evenings. I am very happy and glad that I was able to find this church. God has blessed me with some great Christian friends. For my birthday some of my friends also got together for a Mexican food night. I am having a great time and still enjoying great hikes, bike rides and food! Two weeks ago I went to Paris to visit Sergiu and I am going back on Friday again to go to a Soccer game at the Stade de France. I am very excited about that! Well that is all for now! Hopefully I will some time load pictures and have more time to tell you all more!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Corse of course

Ok well lets see......it has been two weeks since I have seen the internet or a phone that I am able to call people on. I have been having so much fun. This last two weeks we were in Corsica. Let me tell you, I have never felt so remote as I did when I was there. We were not in a town at all. If we did go into town there was a few shops and that was it. The first week we spent in the south of Corsica in a little house with two rooms. I got the couch in the living room, which was interesting because no matter where you slept in that house, there was no way that you were sleeping through the 6 am alarm that was Louis. No matter what time that kid went to bed, he would wake up at 6:00. Along with that he was not taking naps, so you get the picture. The house was gated and it had a beautiful terrasse. We spent most of the weeks going to remote beaches that you had to either hike or take the most bumpiest road to get to. It was the coolest thing that I have ever experienced. The landscape seemed to be untouched and ready to explore. There was old roman ruins and little huts, cobble streets all over, even sometimes hidden in the mountains. Along with enjoying the beaches, the only thing that was a bummmer was the misquitoes. They were awful to me! I have over more than 23 bites all over my body. We also had some ant problems in the first house but for the most part, it was very relaxing and an enjoyable time. The second week we stayed in a huge house with a big swimming pool. We shared this house with friends of their family from the Swiss German part of Switzerland. They also had two kids: a girl and a young boy both that were around the same age of Louis and Alex. It was nice to have so much room to move around. That week we also spent a lot of time at the beach, exploring waterfalls and we also hike up this mountain to see a beautiful lake that was freezing cold. It was a lot of fun. The one thing though that was the most enjoyable was I was able to go Scuba Diving for the first time in my life. I had told Corinne that I really wanted to do that some day and she offered to have me go as a present for my birthday. Although the whole experience was in French, I had the best instructor and I loved it. It was so much fun that I hope I can go again and learn more. Overall it was a great time and I appreciated everything they did for me. As of right now I am working full time this week while the kids are out of school. So tons of park times and days at the lake. Oh and for all of those nay sayers that Christina is an Albino, I am actually brown.......I know hard to imagine. Well signing off for now! Till then!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am Here!!

So here I am in good old Geneva, Switzerland, where there is one huge lake outside the house and good food all around. The birds are chirping and it is very quite. Right now I am staying a little outside Geneva in Bellevue. Their is so much to do around here. To get into town I just ride my bike and enjoy the nice cool breeze that is blowing even though I am huffing in puffing to keep up with the traffic. To give you a picture of all the fun things to do, the first day that I arrived in Geneva, the young boy named Alex and his father Chris picked me up from the airport. Alex was very excited to see me and told me that he must have his breakfast because he did not eat his kiwi. I thought it was very cute, once we arrived at the house which was about 5 mins from the airport, I met all the family and the aupair that was helping out before I came. We all decided to sit at the table for breakfast and the mother told me that they wanted to go and see the World sailboat competition that was going on this morning, after this we were to go swimming and then come back home for a nice bike ride. It was going to be a jam packed day and Corinne (mom) asked if I would rather settle in but it all sounded like so much fun and I wanted to adjust to the time, I took her up on the invite and off we went. First the boat to go and watch the race, and it was so exciting. Switzerland is so beautiful. After our trip on the water, we went home to go to the pool (where I definitely got sunburned....go figure) and after had lunch. Once Louis was up for his nape we went on a nice bike ride around town. It is amazingly beautiful...did I already say that? any ways the day was packed with fun. But the next day was going to be amazing. We went for a hike in France, all day. It was so breath takingly beautiful, there was tons of water falls and ice cold water that had some times big heaps of ice packed snow around it. I am enjoying ever minute of it even though this is definitely a hard job I am so blessed to have this experience. Tomorrow I will be going to town to get a card and different things and I will have more time to write so till then!!